High School Equivalency
Many people who did not finish high school have knowledge and skills comparable to people who did graduate. Most employers, colleges and universities, and the military accept a HSE (High School Equivalency) certificate as being equivalent to a high school diploma.
Adult Education and Literacy
The Missouri Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) Program provides assistance that helps Missouri adults get the basic skills they need to be productive workers, family members, and citizens. Find local AEL Programs near you.
Career education
Find vocational and technical schools
Obtain a degree and advance your career.
Missouri Job Centers
Visit a Missouri Job Center to get help with job readiness.
Missouri Career Education combines academics and occupational skill training to prepare students of all ages. Programs are designed around the 16 career clusters. Search the career education program directory.
Missouri Connections
MissouriConnections.org can help Missouri citizens determine their career interests, explore occupations, establish education plans, develop job search strategies and create resumes. This is available to students, parents, guidance counselors, educators, and job seekers at no charge.
Career Training and Assistance
Career training and assistance programs are available to help workers, unemployed workers and employers in further their skills and practice safe working practices. Visit our training and certification page for more information.