David Wasinger, Lieutenant Governor

Capitol Building, Room 121
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101

The lieutenant governor of the State of Missouri is elected for a four-year term and is subject to re-election with no limit as to number of terms. The lieutenant governor is elected separate from the governor and runs independently rather than as a team. Upon the death, conviction, impeachment, failure to qualify, resignation or other disabilities, the powers, duties and emoluments of the governor devolve upon the lieutenant governor until the end of his or her term or until the disabilities of the governor are removed.

Under the Missouri Constitution, the lieutenant governor is ex-officio president of the Missouri Senate. State statute designates the lieutenant governor as the official Elderly Advocate for the State of Missouri and thus responsible for ensuring advocacy for and assistance to Missouri’s senior citizens. The office of the lieutenant governor also provides a state ombudsman’s service directing constituent questions or concerns to the appropriate state agencies.

The lieutenant governor also serves on the following boards and commissions by state statute: an advisor to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education on early childhood education; Board of Fund Commissioners; Board of Public Buildings; Missouri Development Finance Board; Missouri Housing Development Commission; Missouri Rural Economic Development Council; Missouri SeniorRx Program, Chairman; Missouri Tourism Commission, Vice-Chairman; Second State Capitol Commission; Special Health, Psychological, and Social Needs of Minority Older Individuals Commission; Tobacco Authority.